From 3282dbf39984b6c1e6bb5843f922a7c98dacd657 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralph Amissah <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 23:22:38 +0100
Subject: move generated output out of main package

 .../sisu/sisu_markup_samples/sisu_manual/_sisu/sisurc.yml    | 12 ++----------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/sisu_manual/_sisu/sisurc.yml b/data/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/sisu_manual/_sisu/sisurc.yml
index 3b8a6b26..4eba930c 100644
--- a/data/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/sisu_manual/_sisu/sisurc.yml
+++ b/data/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/sisu_manual/_sisu/sisurc.yml
@@ -24,10 +24,9 @@
 #% presentation/web directory, main path and subdirectories (most subdirectories are created automatically based on markup directory name)
   url_root:     '' #without dir stub, e.g. this dir would map to
-  path:         '/var/www' #either (i) / [full path from root] or (ii) ~/ [home] or (iii) ./ [pwd] or (iv) will be made from home
+  path:         '~/grotto/theatre/dbld/builds/sisu/sisu-doc/doc/manuals_generated' #either (i) / [full path from root] or (ii) ~/ [home] or (iii) ./ [pwd] or (iv) will be made from home
   #url_root:     '' #without dir stub, e.g. this dir would map to
-  #path:         '~/grotto/theatre/dbld/builds/sisu/sisu/data/doc/manuals_generated' # /var/www either (i) / [full path from root] or (ii) ~/ [home] or (iii) ./ [pwd] or (iv) will be made from home
-  ##path:         '~/grotto/theatre/dbld/sisu-dev/sisu/data/doc/manuals_generated' # /var/www either (i) / [full path from root] or (ii) ~/ [home] or (iii) ./ [pwd] or (iv) will be made from home
+  #path:         '/var/www' #either (i) / [full path from root] or (ii) ~/ [home] or (iii) ./ [pwd] or (iv) will be made from home
   #images:       'sisu/image'
   #man:          'man'
   #php:          'php'
@@ -65,13 +64,6 @@ flag:
   iii:          '-NhwpoabxXyYv'            # includes verbose; -m run by default
   iv:           '-NhwpoabxXYDyv --import'  # includes verbose; -m run by default
   v:            '-NhwpoabxXYDyv --update'  # includes verbose; -m run by default
-#  color:        false              # colour off default -c is toggle, and will toggle colour on
-#  i:            '-mhwpcyv'         # adding colour and verbosity to defaults (note: another -c won't toggle off)
-#  ii:           '-mhwpaocyv'       # adding colour and verbosity to defaults (note: another -c won't toggle off)
-#  iii:          '-mhwpaobxXcyv'    # adding colour and verbosity to defaults (note: another -c won't toggle off)
-#  iv:           '-mhwpaobxXDcyv --import'  # adding colour and verbosity to defaults (note: another -c won't toggle off)
-#  v:            '-mhwpaobxXDcyv --update'  # adding colour and verbosity to defaults (note: another -c won't toggle off)
 #% papersize, (LaTeX/pdf) current values A4, US_letter, book_b5, book_a5, US_legal
   papersize:    'A4'
cgit v1.2.3