# encoding: utf-8 =begin * Name: SiSU * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search * Author: Ralph Amissah * Copyright: (C) 1997 - 2011, Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved. * License: GPL 3 or later: SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be available at these locations: * SiSU uses: * Standard SiSU markup syntax, * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system * Hompages: * Download: * Ralph Amissah ** Description: SiSU information Structuring Universe, command line options parsing =end module SiSU_commandline require "pathname" require_relative 'sysenv' # sysenv.rb @@base_path=nil class Options attr_accessor :cmd,:mod,:act,:dir_structure_by,:f_pths,:files,:base_path,:base_stub,:paths,:lngs,:f_pth,:pth,:fns,:fnb,:fnc,:fncb,:lng,:what def initialize(a) @cmd,@f_pth,@pth,@fns,@fnb,@fnc,@fncb,@what,@lng,@base_path,@base_stub='','','','','','','','','','','','' @f_pths,@files,@paths,@mod,@act=Array.new(5){[]} @env=SiSU_Env::Info_env.new @dir_structure_by=SiSU_Env::Env_call.new.output_dir_structure.by? @@base_path ||=Dir.pwd @base_path=@@base_path r=Px[:lng_lst].join('|') u=/.+?\/([^\/]+)(?:\/(?:#{r})$|$)/ @base_stub=@base_path.gsub(u,'\1') @a=sisu_glob_rules(a) @a.freeze init end def find_all(find_flag,opt) if find_flag pwd_set=Dir.pwd x=Dir.glob('*.ss[tm]') Px[:lng_lst].each do |d| if FileTest.directory?(d) x << Dir.glob("#{d}/*.ss[tm]") end end opt + x.flatten! end end def find_select(find_flag,opt) if find_flag pwd_set=Dir.pwd x=[] if opt.inspect =~/"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]+?"/ opt.each do |g| x <<=if g =~/.ss[tm]/ Dir.glob("*#{g}") else Dir.glob("*#{g}*.ss[tm]") end Px[:lng_lst].each do |d| if FileTest.directory?(d) x <<=if g =~/.ss[tm]/ Dir.glob("#{d}/*#{g}") else Dir.glob("#{d}/*#{g}*.ss[tm]") end end end end end x.flatten! end end def sisu_glob_rules(a) a=if a.inspect =~/"-\S*[fG]/ \ or a.inspect =~/"--find"|"--glob"/ b,f=[],[] find_flag=false a.each do |y| if y =~ /^-/ if y =~/^-/ \ && y =~/[fG]|--find|--glob/ find_flag=true end b << y end if find_flag \ && y !~ /^-/ \ && y =~ /\S+/ f << y end end r=Px[:lng_lst].join('|') r.gsub!(/\|en\|/,'|') @lang_regx=%r{(?:#{r})} z=if find_flag if f.length > 0 b + find_select(find_flag,f) else find_all(find_flag,b) end elsif a.inspect =~/"(?:-\S+?|--\S+?)"/ \ && a.inspect =~/"#{@lang_regx}\/?"/ \ && a.inspect =~/"en\/\S+?\.ss[tm]"/ init_selected_lang_dirs(a) else b end else a end end def init_selected_lang_dirs(a) @z=[] a.each do |y| if y =~/^en\/(\S+?\.ss[tm])$/ @fn=$1 @z << y elsif y =~/^#{@lang_regx}\/?$/ @z << "#{y}/#{@fn}" else @z << y end end @z end def init a=@a if a.length > 0 s=expand_numeric_shortcuts(a) q=set_files_and_paths_and_general_extract(s) @cmd,@mod=opt_cmd_and_mod_adjust(q[:cmd],q[:mod]) @what=q[:what] unless q[:what].empty? @paths = q[:paths] @files = q[:files] @f_pths = q[:f_pths] @lngs = q[:lngs] if @files.length > 0 \ and @cmd.empty? \ and @mod.length==0 #% if no other action called on filename given, default is sisu --v3 -0 [filename(s)] configured as flag default shortcut=SiSU_Env::Info_processing_flag.new @mod=['--v3'] @cmd=shortcut.cf_0 + 'm' end SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@cmd,"\tsisu " + @cmd + ' ' + @mod.join(' ') + ' ' + @files.join(' ') + "\n").print_brown if @cmd =~/[vVM]/ end # @files.uniq! @act=opt_act @files self end def set_files_and_paths_and_general_extract(s) c,w='','' m,f,pth,z,lng,lngs=[],[],[],[],[],[] a=s.split(/\s+/) a.uniq.each do |x| if x =~/^-[a-z0-5]+/i \ or x =~/^--\S+/ if x =~/^-([a-z0-5]+)/i; c << $1 end if x =~/^--\S+/; m << x end elsif x =~ /(?:\.(?:(?:-|ssm\.)?sst(?:\.xml)?|ssm|ssi|sx[sdn]\.xml|s[1-3]|kdi|ssp)|\S+?\.ss[mt]\.zip|sisupod(\.zip)?)$/ if x =~/^(?:https?|file):\/\/\S+/; f << x elsif FileTest.file?(x) ### FIX pt=Pathname.new(x) pth << pt.split[0].realpath.to_s #remove? f << pt.split[1].to_s #remove? r=Px[:lng_lst].join('|') u=/.+?\/([^\/]+)(?:\/(?:#{r})$|$)/ t=/.+\/(#{r})$/ l_p = (pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[t,1]) \ ? pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[t,1] \ : nil #: '' lng << l_p lngs << if l_p l_p elsif x =~/~(#{r})\.ss[tm]/ $1 else 'en' end lng_is =if l_p l_p elsif x =~/~(#{r})\.ss[tm]/ $1 else 'en' end f_pths << { pth: pt.split[0].realpath.to_s, f: pt.split[1].to_s, pth_stub: pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[u,1], lng: (pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[t,1]) \ ? pt.split[0].realpath.to_s[t,1] \ : nil, lng_is: lng_is } # Dir.chdir(pt.split[0].realpath) else puts "file not found: #{x}" end elsif x =~ /\.termsheet\.rb$/ if FileTest.file?(x); f << x else puts "file not found: #{x}" end else w=x puts "#{x} in #{a.join(' ')}?" end end { cmd: c, mod: m, what: w, paths: pth, files: f, f_pths: f_pths, lng: lng, lngs: lngs } end def expand_numeric_shortcuts(a) shortcut=SiSU_Env::Info_processing_flag.new s='' a.each do |x| y=case x when /0/ (x=~/^-1\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-0(\S+)/,shortcut.cf_0 + ' -\1') \ : x.gsub(/^-0/,shortcut.cf_0 + ' ') when /1/ (x=~/^-1\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-1(\S+)/,shortcut.cf_1 + ' -\1') \ : x.gsub(/^-1/,shortcut.cf_1 + ' ') when /2/ (x=~/^-2\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-2(\S+)/,shortcut.cf_2 + ' -\1') \ : x.gsub(/^-2/,shortcut.cf_2 + ' ') when /3/ (x=~/^-3\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-3(\S+)/,shortcut.cf_3 + ' -\1') \ : x.gsub(/^-3/,shortcut.cf_3 + ' ') when /4/ (x=~/^-4\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-4(\S+)/,shortcut.cf_4 + ' -\1') \ : x.gsub(/^-4/,shortcut.cf_4 + ' ') when /5/ (x=~/^-5\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-5(\S+)/,shortcut.cf_5 + ' -\1') \ : x.gsub(/^-5/,shortcut.cf_5 + ' ') when /6/ (x=~/^-6\S+/) \ ? x.gsub(/^-6(\S+)/,shortcut.cf_5 + ' -\1') \ : x.gsub(/^-6/,shortcut.cf_5 + ' ') else x end s << " #{y}" unless y.empty? end s.strip! end def opt_cmd_and_mod_adjust(c,m) cmd,mod,files=@cmd,@mod,@files unless m.empty? m.each do |m| case m when /^--(?:color-toggle)$/; c=c+'c' when /^--(?:configure)$/; c=c+'CC' when /^--(?:dal?|machine|abstraction|abs)$/; c=c+'m' when /^--(?:txt|text|plaintext)$/; c=c+'t' when /^--(?:html)$/; c=c+'h' when /^--(?:epub)$/; c=c+'e' when /^--(?:od[ft])$/; c=c+'o' when /^--(?:pdf)$/; c=c+'p' when /^--(?:concordance|wordmap)$/; c=c+'w' when /^--(?:manpage)$/; c=c+'i' when /^--(?:texinfo)$/; c=c+'I' when /^--(?:xhtml)$/; c=c+'b' when /^--(?:xml-sax)$/; c=c+'x' when /^--(?:xml-dom)$/; c=c+'X' when /^--(?:hash-digests)$/; c=c+'N' when /^--(?:po4a|pot?)$/; c=c+'P' when /^--(?:termsheet)$/; c=c+'T' when /^--(?:manifest)$/; c=c+'y' when /^--(?:qrcode)$/; c=c+'Q' when /^--(?:sqlite)$/; c=c+'d' when /^--(?:pg|pg?sql|postgresql)$/; c=c+'D' when /^--(?:remote|rsync)$/; c=c+'R' when /^--(?:scp)$/; c=c+'r' when /^--(?:source)$/; c=c+'s' when /^--(?:sisupod|pod)$/; c=c+'S' when /^--(?:git)$/; c=c+'g' when /^--(?:urls)$/; c=c+'U' when /^--(?:zap|delete)$/; c=c+'Z' when /^--(?:sample-search-form)$/; c=c+'F' when /^--(?:webserv|webrick)$/; c=c+'W' when /^--(?:maintenance|keep-processing-files)$/; c=c+'M' when /^--(?:verbose[=-]3)$/; c=c+'VM' when /^--(?:verbose[=-]2|Verbose|VERBOSE)$/; c=c+'V' when /^--(?:verbose(?:[=-]1)?)$/; c=c+'v' when /^--(?:verbose[=-]0|quiet|silent)$/; c=c+'q' else mod << m #mod only contains command modifiers; commands converted to character end end end ca=[] unless c.empty? c.gsub!(/-/,'') c.scan(/CC|\S/) {|x| ca << x} cmd= '-' + ca.uniq.join end extra='' if cmd !~/[mn]/ extra+=if cmd =~/[abegHhIiNOoPpTtwXxyz]/ \ and cmd !~/[mn]/ 'm' #% add dal elsif ((cmd =~/[Dd]/ \ or (mod.inspect =~/--(?:(?:sq)?lite|pg(?:sql)?)/)) \ and mod.inspect !~/(?:remove|(?:(?:re)?create(?:all)?|dropall|drop)$)/) \ and cmd !~/[mn]/ 'm' #% add dal else '' end end if cmd !~/y/ extra+=if cmd =~/[abeHhIiNopsSstwXxz]/ \ and cmd !~/y/ 'ym' #% add manifest elsif (cmd =~/[Dd]/ \ or mod.inspect =~/--(?:(?:sq)?lite|pg(?:sql)?)/) \ and files[0] !~/^remove$/ \ and cmd !~/y/ 'ym' #% add manifest else '' end end cmd=cmd + extra cmds=cmd.scan(/CC|\S/) [cmds.uniq.join,mod] end def opt_act #note mod line commands have already been converted to command characters, cmd cmd,mod=@cmd,@mod act={} act[:license]=if cmd =~/L/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--license/ true else false end act[:site_init]=if cmd =~/C/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--init-site/ true else false end act[:verbose]=if cmd =~/v/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--verbose"/ true else false end act[:quiet]=if cmd =~/q/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--quiet"/ true else false end act[:color_state]=if mod.inspect =~/"--color-on"|"--color"/ true elsif mod.inspect =~/"--color-off"/ true else true #fix default color end # act[:color_toggle]=if cmd =~/c/ \ # or mod.inspect =~/"--color-toggle"/ # true # else false # end act[:maintenance]=if cmd =~/M/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--maintenance|--keep-processing-files"/ true else false end act[:ocn]=if mod.inspect =~/"--no-ocn"/ false else true end act[:dal]=if cmd =~/m/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--dal"/ true else false end act[:html]=if cmd =~/h/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--html"/ true else false end act[:concordance]=if cmd =~/w/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--concordance"/ true else false end act[:pdf]=if cmd =~/p/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--pdf"/ true else false end act[:epub]=if cmd =~/e/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--epub"/ true else false end act[:odt]=if cmd =~/o/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--odf"/ true else false end act[:xml_sax]=if cmd =~/x/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--xml-sax"/ true else false end act[:xml_dom]=if cmd =~/X/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--xml-dom"/ true else false end act[:xhtml]=if cmd =~/b/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--xhtml"/ true else false end act[:txt]=if cmd =~/[at]/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--txt"/ true else false end act[:manpage]=if cmd =~/i/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--manpage"/ true else false end act[:texinfo]=if cmd =~/I/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--texinfo"/ true else false end act[:fictionbook]=if cmd =~/f/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--fictionbook"/ true else false end act[:psql]=if cmd =~/D/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--pg"|"--pgsql"/ true else false end act[:sqlite]=if cmd =~/d/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--sqlite"/ true else false end act[:harvest]=if mod.inspect =~/"--harvest"/ true else false end act[:po4a]=if cmd =~/P/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--po4a"|"--pot?"/ true else false end act[:git]=if cmd =~/g/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--git"/ true else false end act[:hash_digests]=if cmd =~/N/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--hash-digests"/ true else false end act[:sample_search_form]=if cmd =~/F/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--sample-search-form"/ true else false end act[:webrick]=if cmd =~/W/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--webrick"/ true else false end act[:share_source]=if cmd =~/s/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--source"/ true else false end act[:sisupod]=if cmd =~/S/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--sisupod"/ true else false end act[:scp]=if cmd =~/r/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--scp"/ true else false end act[:rsync]=if cmd =~/R/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--rsync"/ true else false end act[:delete_output]=if cmd =~/z/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--delete"|"--zap"/ true else false end act[:urls_all]=if cmd =~/U/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--urls-all"/ true else false end act[:urls_seleted]=if cmd =~/u/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--urls"/ true else false end act[:sitemap]=if cmd =~/Y/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--sitemap"/ true else false end act[:qrcode]=if cmd =~/Q/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--qrcode"/ true else false end act[:manifest]=if cmd =~/y/ \ or mod.inspect =~/"--manifest"/ true else false end act[:help]=if mod.inspect =~/"--help/ true else false end @act=act end def cmd @cmd end def mod @mod end def act @act end def f_pth @f_pth end def pth @pth end def lng @lng end def fns @fns end def what @what end def fnb unless fns.empty? fns[/(.+?)\.(?:(?:-|ssm\.)?sst|ssm)$/,1] end end def fnc @fnc=if @fns =~/\.(?:ssm\.sst|ssm)$/; fnb + '.ssm.sst' else @fns end end def fncb @fncb=if @fns =~/(?:\~\S{2,3})?\.(?:ssm\.sst|ssm)$/; fnb + '.ssm.sst' else @fns.gsub(/(?:\~\S{2,3})?(\.sst)$/,'\1') end end end end __END__ note usually named @opt is carried in Param usually as @md @opt is a subset of @md where @md is passed, contents of @opt are available passing @opt as well is duplication check for fns & fnb