From 54c662aed1b2b004aeffe3d250a9dbd705897bb4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralph Amissah Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 16:34:54 -0500 Subject: metaverse single line munging tuning --- org/ | 2 ++ org/ | 26 ++++++++++++++---------- org/ | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- org/ | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ org/ | 5 ++++- 5 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) (limited to 'org') diff --git a/org/ b/org/ index a811b91..320021e 100644 --- a/org/ +++ b/org/ @@ -249,6 +249,8 @@ template InternalMarkup() { auto tc_c = "┚"; auto tc_p = "┆"; auto img = "☼"; + auto on_o = "「"; auto on_c = "」"; + auto mk_bullet = "● "; static string indent_by_spaces_provided(int indent, string _indent_spaces ="░░") { _indent_spaces = replicate(_indent_spaces, indent); return _indent_spaces; diff --git a/org/ b/org/ index 2af9ed2..170b74f 100644 --- a/org/ +++ b/org/ @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static template DocReformRgxInit() { static true_dollar = ctRegex!(`\$`, "gm"); static flag_action = ctRegex!(`^(--[a-z][a-z0-9-]+)$`); static flag_action_str = ctRegex!(` (--[a-z][a-z0-9-]+)`); -static within_quotes = ctRegex!(`"(.+?)"`); +static within_quotes = ctRegex!(`"(.+?)"`, "m"); static make_heading_delimiter = ctRegex!(`[;][ ]*`); static arr_delimiter = ctRegex!(`[ ]*[;][ ]*`); static name_delimiter = ctRegex!(`^([^,]+)[ ]*,[ ]+(.+?)$`); @@ -280,10 +280,11 @@ static smid_inline_link_endnote_url_helper = ctRegex!(`\{~\^\s+(?P(?:^|[ ]|[^\S]?)\{(?:~\^\s+|\s*))(?P\S+\.(?:png|gif|jpg))\s*(?P(?:.+?)\s*\}(?:image|(?:(?:https?|git):\/\/|¤?\.\.\/|¤?\.\/|¤|#)\S+?)(?=[;:!,?.]?([ )\]]|$)))`, "mg"); static smid_image_generic = ctRegex!(`(?:^|[ ]|[^\S]?)\{(?:~\^\s+|\s*)\S+\.(?:png|gif|jpg).+?\}(?:image|(?:(?:https?|git):\/\/|¤?\.\.\/|¤?\.\/|¤|#)\S+?)(?=[;:!,?.]?([ )\]]|$))`, "mg"); static smid_image_with_dimensions = ctRegex!(`(?P
(?:^|[ ]|[^\S]?)\{(?:~\^\s+|\s*))(?P\S+\.(?:png|gif|jpg))\s+(?P\d+)x(?P\d+)\s*(?P(?:.+?)\s*\}(?:image|(?:(?:https?|git):\/\/|¤?\.\.\/|¤?\.\/|¤|#)\S+?)(?=[;:!,?.]?([ )\]]|$)))`, "mg");
-static smid_image                                      = ctRegex!(`(?P
(?:^|[ ]|[^\S]?)\{(?:~\^\s+|\s*))(?P\S+\.(?:png|gif|jpg))\s*(?P(?:.+?)\s*\}(?:image|(?:(?:https?|git):\/\/|¤?\.\.\/|¤?\.\/|¤|#)\S+?)(?=[;:!,?.]?([ )\]]|$)))`, "mg");
-static smid_mod_image_without_dimensions               = ctRegex!(`\{(?:~\^\s+|\s*)☼\S+\.(?:png|gif|jpg),w0h0\s+(?:.+?)\s*\}(?:image|(?:https?|git):\/\/\S+?)(?=[;:!,?.]?([ )\]]|$))`, "mg");
+static smid_image_delimit                              = ctRegex!(`(?P
^|[ ]|[^\S]?)\{\s*(?P.+?)\s*\}(?:image)(?=[;:!,?.]?([ )\]]|$))`, "mg");
+static smid_mod_image_without_dimensions               = ctRegex!(`[{┥](?:~\^\s+|\s*)☼\S+\.(?:png|gif|jpg),w0h0\s+(?:.+?)\s*[}┝](?:image|(?:https?|git):\/\/\S+?)(?=[;:!,?.]?([ )\]]|$))`, "mg");
 *** inline markup book index                             :inline:bookindex:
@@ -407,11 +408,11 @@ static template DocReformOutputRgxInit() {
 #+name: sp_ch_xhtml_rgx
-static xhtml_ampersand                            = ctRegex!(`[&]`);      // &
-static xhtml_quotation                            = ctRegex!(`["]`);      // "
-static xhtml_less_than                            = ctRegex!(`[<]`);      // <
-static xhtml_greater_than                         = ctRegex!(`[>]`);      // >
-static xhtml_line_break                           = ctRegex!(` [\\]{2}`); // 
+static xhtml_ampersand = ctRegex!(`[&]`, "m"); // & +static xhtml_quotation = ctRegex!(`["]`, "m"); // " +static xhtml_less_than = ctRegex!(`[<]`, "m"); // < +static xhtml_greater_than = ctRegex!(`[>]`, "m"); // > +static xhtml_line_break = ctRegex!(` [\\]{2}`, "m"); //
#+END_SRC * 2. ctRegex defaults shared by meta & output (generic) @@ -502,10 +503,13 @@ static inline_text_and_note_al_ = ctRegex!(`(.+?(?:【[*+] #+name: prgmkup_rgx #+BEGIN_SRC d /+ inline markup footnotes endnotes +/ -static inline_image = ctRegex!(`(?P
┥)☼(?P(?P\S+?\.(?:jpg|gif|png)),w(?P\d+)h(?P\d+))\s*(?P.*?┝┤.+?├)`, "mg");
-static inline_image_without_dimensions                = ctRegex!(`(?P
┥)☼(?P(?P\S+?\.(?:jpg|gif|png)),w(?P0)h(?P0))\s*(?P.*?┝┤.+?├)`, "mg");
-static inline_link_anchor                             = ctRegex!(`┋(?P\S+?)┋`, "mg");
+static inline_image                                   = ctRegex!(`(?P
┥)☼(?P(?P\S+?\.(?:jpg|gif|png)),w(?P\d+)h(?P\d+))\s*(?P.*?┝┤.*?├)`, "mg");
+static inline_image_without_dimensions                = ctRegex!(`(?P
┥)☼(?P(?P\S+?\.(?:jpg|gif|png)),w(?P0)h(?P0))\s*(?P.*?┝┤.*?├)`, "mg");
+static inline_link_anchor                             = ctRegex!(`┋(?P\S+?)┋`, "mg"); // TODO *~text_link_anchor
+static inline_link_                                   = ctRegex!(`┥(?P.+?)┝┤(?P.+?)├`, "mg");
 static inline_link                                    = ctRegex!(`┥(?P.+?)┝┤(?P\S+?)├`, "mg");
+static inline_link_empty                              = ctRegex!(`┥(?P.+?)┝┤├`, "mg");
+static inline_link_number                             = ctRegex!(`┥(?P.+?)┝┤(?P[0-9]+)├`, "mg"); // not used
 static inline_link_number_only                        = ctRegex!(`(┥.+?┝)┤(?P[0-9]+)├`, "mg");
 static inline_link_stow_uri                           = ctRegex!(`┥(?P.+?)┝┤(?P[^ 0-9#┥┝┤├][^ 0-9┥┝┤├]+)├`, "mg"); // will not stow (stowed links) or object number internal links
 static inline_link_hash                               = ctRegex!(`┥(?P.+?)┝┤(?P#(?P\S+?))├`, "mg");
diff --git a/org/ b/org/
index bf67dcc..98f76ec 100644
--- a/org/
+++ b/org/
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ line._code_block_(an_object, obj_type_status);
-**** _non code objects_ (other blocks or regular text) [+4]     :non_code:
+**** _non code objects_ (non-code blocks & regular text: by line) [+4] :non_code:
 ***** inline fontface markup
 #+name: abs_in_loop_body_non_code_obj
@@ -1411,7 +1411,7 @@ if ((obj_type_status["heading"] == State.on)
-*** regular text objects                                   :text:paragraph:
+*** regular _text objects_ identified                        :text:paragraph:
 #+name: abs_in_loop_body_01
@@ -1430,6 +1430,7 @@ if (the_document_body_section.length > 0) {
       obj_type_status["glossary_section"] =;
       obj_type_status["blurb_section"]    =;
+    the_document_body_section[$-1].text = (the_document_body_section[$-1].text).inline_markup_faces;
     if (the_document_body_section[$-1].metainfo.is_a == "verse") {
       /+ scan for endnotes for whole poem (each verse in poem) +/
       foreach (i; previous_length .. the_document_body_section.length) {
@@ -1753,7 +1754,7 @@ comp_obj_toc.attrib.indent_base            = indent["base_position"];
 comp_obj_toc.attrib.bullet                 = false;
 if (the_endnotes_section.length > 1) {
   toc_txt_ = format(
-    mkup.lnk_o ~ " %s " ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
+    mkup.lnk_o ~ "%s" ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
@@ -1764,7 +1765,7 @@ if (the_endnotes_section.length > 1) {
 if (the_glossary_section.length > 1) {
   toc_txt_ = format(
-    mkup.lnk_o ~ " %s " ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
+    mkup.lnk_o ~ "%s" ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
@@ -1775,7 +1776,7 @@ if (the_glossary_section.length > 1) {
 if (the_bibliography_section.length > 1){
   toc_txt_ = format(
-    mkup.lnk_o ~ " %s " ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
+    mkup.lnk_o ~ "%s" ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
@@ -1786,7 +1787,7 @@ if (the_bibliography_section.length > 1){
 if (the_bookindex_section.length > 1) {
   toc_txt_ = format(
-    mkup.lnk_o ~ " %s " ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
+    mkup.lnk_o ~ "%s" ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
     "Book Index",
@@ -1797,7 +1798,7 @@ if (the_bookindex_section.length > 1) {
 if (the_blurb_section.length > 1) {
   toc_txt_ = format(
-    mkup.lnk_o ~ " %s " ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
+    mkup.lnk_o ~ "%s" ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
@@ -2427,9 +2428,6 @@ if (the_document_body_section.length > 1) {
       = obj.tags.epub_segment_anchor_tag_is;
-    if (obj.metainfo.is_a != "code") {
-      obj.text = obj.text.inline_markup_faces;
-    }
     if (obj.metainfo.is_a == "heading") {
       debug(dom) {
@@ -2480,7 +2478,6 @@ if (the_endnotes_section.length > 1) {
   dom_structure_markedup_tags_status         = dom_structure_markedup_tags_status_buffer.dup;
   dom_structure_collapsed_tags_status        = dom_structure_collapsed_tags_status_buffer.dup;
   foreach (ref obj; the_endnotes_section) {
-    obj.text = obj.text.inline_markup_faces;
     if (obj.metainfo.is_a == "heading") {
       debug(dom) {
@@ -2680,9 +2677,6 @@ if (the_bookindex_section.length > 1) {
 /+ optional only one 1~ level +/
 if (the_blurb_section.length > 1) {
   foreach (ref obj; the_blurb_section) {
-    if (obj.metainfo.is_a != "code") {
-      obj.text = obj.text.inline_markup_faces;
-    }
     if (obj.metainfo.is_a == "heading") {
       debug(dom) {
@@ -2959,7 +2953,7 @@ dom_structure_collapsed_tags_status          = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,];
 dom_structure_collapsed_tags_status_buffer   = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,];
-*** [#A] _return document tuple_                               :return:tuple:
+*** _return document tuple_ [#A]                               :return:tuple:
 #+name: abs_return_tuple
@@ -5413,22 +5407,20 @@ static struct ObjInlineMarkupMunge {
         writeln("Image: ", obj_txt_in);
       if (obj_txt_in.match(rgx.smid_image_with_dimensions)) {
-        obj_txt_in = obj_txt_in.replaceAll(
-            rgx.smid_image_with_dimensions,
-            ("$1"
-              ~ mkup.img ~ "$2,w$3h$4 "
-              ~ "$5")            // ("$1{ $2 }$2$3")
-          );
+        obj_txt_in = obj_txt_in
+          .replaceAll(rgx.smid_image_with_dimensions, ("$1" ~ mkup.img ~ "$2,w$3h$4 " ~ "$5"))
+          .replaceAll(rgx.smid_image_delimit, ("$1"
+            ~ mkup.lnk_o ~ "$2".strip ~ mkup.lnk_c
+            ~ mkup.url_o ~ mkup.url_c));
         debug(images) {
-          writeln("IMAGE with size: ", obj_txt_in); // decide on representation
+          writeln("IMAGE with size: ", obj_txt_in);
       } else if (obj_txt_in.match(rgx.smid_image)) {
-        obj_txt_in = obj_txt_in.replaceAll(
-            rgx.smid_image,
-            ("$1"
-              ~ mkup.img ~ "$2,w0h0 "
-              ~ "$3")            // ("$1{ $2 }$2$3")
-          );
+        obj_txt_in = obj_txt_in
+          .replaceAll(rgx.smid_image, ("$1" ~ mkup.img ~ "$2,w0h0 " ~ "$3"))
+          .replaceAll(rgx.smid_image_delimit, ("$1"
+            ~ mkup.lnk_o ~ "$2".strip ~ mkup.lnk_c
+            ~ mkup.url_o ~ mkup.url_c));
         debug(images) {
           writeln("IMAGE: ", obj_txt_in); // decide on representation
@@ -5965,7 +5957,7 @@ static struct ObjInlineMarkup {
         "base_position" : obj_["lev_markup_number"].to!int,
       toc_txt_ = format(
-        mkup.lnk_o ~ " %s " ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
+        mkup.lnk_o ~ "%s".strip ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
@@ -6025,7 +6017,7 @@ static struct ObjInlineMarkup {
     case 5: .. case 7:
       subtoc_txt_ = format(
-        mkup.lnk_o ~ " %s " ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
+        mkup.lnk_o ~ "%s".strip ~ mkup.lnk_c ~  mkup.url_o ~ "#%s"~  mkup.url_c,
diff --git a/org/ b/org/
index 13b8702..52839d3 100644
--- a/org/
+++ b/org/
@@ -733,6 +733,10 @@ auto html_heading(M,O)(
                  M    doc_matters,
   auto ref const O    obj,
 ) {
+  assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part    == "body" || "frontmatter" || "backmatter");
+  assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "toc" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb");
+  assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type    == "para");
+  assert(obj.metainfo.is_a          == "heading");
   string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj);
   _txt = inline_markup(doc_matters, obj, _txt);
   string o = format(q"┋

@@ -775,6 +779,10 @@ auto html_para(M,O)( M doc_matters, auto ref const O obj, ) { + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body" || "frontmatter" || "backmatter"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "toc" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "para"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "para" || "toc" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj); _txt = (obj.attrib.bullet) ? ("●  " ~ _txt) : _txt; _txt = inline_markup(doc_matters, obj, _txt); @@ -798,6 +806,10 @@ auto html_quote(M,O)( M doc_matters, auto ref const O obj, ) { + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "quote"); string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj); string o = format(q"┋

%s @@ -817,6 +829,10 @@ auto html_group(M,O)( M doc_matters, auto ref const O obj, ) { + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "group"); string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj); string o = format(q"┋

%s @@ -836,6 +852,10 @@ auto html_block(M,O)( M doc_matters, auto ref const O obj, ) { + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "block"); string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj); string o = format(q"┋


┋", @@ -854,6 +874,10 @@ auto html_verse(M,O)( M doc_matters, auto ref const O obj, ) { + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "verse"); string _txt = munge_html(doc_matters, obj); string o = format(q"┋


┋", obj.metainfo.is_a, @@ -870,6 +894,10 @@ auto html_verse(M,O)( auto html_code(O)( auto ref const O obj, ) { + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "code"); string _txt = html_special_characters_code(obj.text); string o = format(q"┋


┋", obj.metainfo.is_a, @@ -887,6 +915,10 @@ auto html_table(M,O)( M doc_matters, auto ref const O obj, ) { + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); + assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "table"); auto _tablarize(O)( auto ref const O obj, string _txt, diff --git a/org/ b/org/ index 27069fd..1e4f91a 100644 --- a/org/ +++ b/org/ @@ -447,7 +447,10 @@ auto inline_images(O,M)( rgx.inline_image, ("$1 $6")); + ~ "$3\" width=\"$4\" height=\"$5\" naturalsizeflag=\"0\" align=\"bottom\" border=\"0\" /> $6")) + .replaceAll( + rgx.inline_link_empty, + ("$1")); } return _txt; } -- cgit v1.2.3