sources / git
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Copyright: 2000 Ralph Amissah
1. Reinforcing trends: borderless technologies, global economy, transnational legal solutions?
2. Common Property - advocating a common commercial highway
3. Modelling the private international commercial law infrastructure
4. The foundation for transnational private contract law, arbitration
5. “State contracted international law” and/or “institutionally offered lex”? CISG and PICC as examples
6. Contract Lex design. Questions of commonweal
6.1. The neutrality of contract law and information cost
6.2. Justifying mandatory loyalty principles
7. Problems beyond uniform texts
7.1. In support of four objectives
7.2. Improving the predictability, certainty and uniform application of international and transnational law
7.3. The Net and information sharing through transnational databases
7.4. Judicial minimalism promotes democratic jurisprudential deliberation
7.5. Non-binding interpretative councils and their co-ordinating guides can provide a focal point for the convergence of ideas - certainty, predictability, and efficiency
7.6. Capacity Building
8. Marketing of transnational solutions
9. Tools in future development
10. As an aside, a word of caution
≅ SiSU Spine ፨ (object numbering & object search)
(web 1993, object numbering 1997, object search 2002 ...) 2024