path: root/lib/sisu/0.52/shared_xml.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sisu/0.52/shared_xml.rb')
1 files changed, 580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sisu/0.52/shared_xml.rb b/lib/sisu/0.52/shared_xml.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3b4b07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sisu/0.52/shared_xml.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+ * Name: SiSU information Structuring Universe - Structured information, Serialized Units
+ * Author: Ralph Amissah
+ * http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu
+ * http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html
+ * Description: common file for xml generation
+ * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Ralph Amissah
+ * License: GPL 2 or later
+ Summary of GPL 2
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
+ available at these locations:
+ http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.html
+ http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
+ http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/gpl2.fsf
+ SiSU was first released to the public on January 4th 2005
+ SiSU uses:
+ * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
+ * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
+ * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
+ © Ralph Amissah 1997, current 2007.
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ * Ralph Amissah: ralph@amissah.com
+ ralph.amissah@gmail.com
+module SiSU_text_parts
+ class Split_text_object
+ require SiSU_lib + '/param'
+ require SiSU_lib + '/xml_format'
+ include SiSU_Viz
+ include SiSU_XML_format
+ @@alt_id_count=0
+ @@dp=nil
+ attr_reader :format,:text,:ocn,:lev_para_ocn
+ def initialize(md,para)
+ @md,@para=md,para
+ @format,@ocn='null','null'
+ #@format,@ocn=nil,nil
+ @dp=@@dp ||=SiSU_Env::Info_env.new.digest.pattern
+ end
+ def lev_segname_para_ocn #using shared_txt instead, watch #% watch closely
+ if @para =~/^(\d~|<:.+?>).+?<~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$/
+ if /^([1-6])~(\S+)\s+(\S.+?)<~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$/m.match(@para)
+ @format,segname,@text,@ocn=$1,$2,$3,$4
+ @format="#@format~#{segname}" #
+ elsif /^([1-6]~)\s+(\S.+?)<~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$/m.match(@para)
+ @format,@text,@ocn=$1,$2,$3 #,$4
+ elsif /<:(.+?)>\s*(\S.+?)<~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$/m.match(@para)
+ @format,@text,@ocn=$1,$2,$3
+ elsif /^([1-6])~(\S+)\s+(\S.+?)<~(0);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$/m.match(@para)
+ @@alt_id_count+=1
+ @format,segname,@text,@ocn=$1,$2,$3,"x#{@@alt_id_count}"
+ @format="#@format~#{segname}" #
+ elsif /^([1-6]~)\s+(\S.+?)<~(0);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$/m.match(@para)
+ @@alt_id_count+=1
+ @format,@text,@ocn=$1,$2,"x#{@@alt_id_count}"
+ end
+ else
+ if /(.+?)<~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$/m.match(@para)
+ @text,@ocn=$1,$2
+ end
+ if @para !~/<~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$|^$/ #added 2002w06
+ @text=/(.+?)/m.match(@para)[1]
+ end
+ if /^(\d)~\S*\s+(.+)/m.match(@para)
+ @format,@text=$1,$2
+ end
+ end
+ @lev_para_ocn=if @para =~/.+<~\d+;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$/
+ SiSU_XML_format::Format_scroll.new(@md,@format,@text,@ocn)
+ else
+ SiSU_XML_format::Format_scroll.new(@md,@format,@text,"<~0;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>")
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def lev_segname_para
+ if @para =~/^(\d~|<:.+?>).+/
+ if /^([1-6])~(\S+)\s+(\S.+)/m.match(@para)
+ @format,segname,@text=$1,$2,$3
+ @format="#@format~#{segname}" #
+ elsif /^([1-6]~)\s+(\S.+)/m.match(@para)
+ @format,@text=$1,$2
+ elsif /<:(.+?)>\s*(\S.+?)/m.match(@para)
+ @format,@text=$1,$2
+ elsif /^([1-6])~(\S+)\s+(\S.+?)/m.match(@para)
+ @@alt_id_count+=1
+ @format,segname,@text=$1,$2,$3
+ @format="#@format~#{segname}" #
+ elsif /^([1-6]~)\s+(\S.+?)/m.match(@para)
+ @@alt_id_count+=1
+ @format,@text=$1,$2
+ end
+ else
+ if /(.+?)/m.match(@para)
+ @text=$1
+ end
+ if @para !~/<~(\d+);(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$|^$/ #added 2002w06
+ @text=/(.+?)/m.match(@para)[1]
+ end
+ if /^(\d)~\S*\s+(.+)/m.match(@para)
+ @format,@text=$1,$2
+ end
+ end
+ @lev_para_ocn=if @para =~/.+<~\d+;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>$/
+ SiSU_XML_format::Format_scroll.new(@md,@format,@text,@ocn)
+ else
+ SiSU_XML_format::Format_scroll.new(@md,@format,@text,"<~0;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+><#@dp:#@dp>")
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ end
+module SiSU_XML_munge
+ class Trans
+ def initialize(md)
+ @sys=SiSU_Env::System_call.new
+ @dir=SiSU_Env::Info_env.new(md.fns)
+ @dp=SiSU_Env::Info_env.new.digest.pattern
+ end
+ def char_enc #character encode
+ def utf8(para='')
+ if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i # instead ucs for utf8 #require 'iconv' ? Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn
+ #¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûü
+ #¢£¥§©ª«®°±²³µ¶¹º»¼½¾×÷
+ ##para.gsub!(//, '&#;')
+ ##para.gsub!(//, '&;')
+ para.gsub!(/¢/, '&#162;') # '&cent;' # &#162;
+ para.gsub!(/£/, '&#163;') # '&pound;' # &#163;
+ para.gsub!(/¥/, '&#165;') # '&yen;' # &#165;
+ para.gsub!(/§/, '&#167;') # '&sect;' # &#167;
+ para.gsub!(/©/, '&#169;') # '&copy;' # &#169;
+ para.gsub!(/ª/, '&#170;') # '&ordf;' # &#170;
+ para.gsub!(/«/, '&#171;') # '&laquo;' # &#171;
+ para.gsub!(/®/, '&#174;') # '&reg;' # &#174;
+ para.gsub!(/°/, '&#176;') # '&deg;' # &#176;
+ para.gsub!(/±/, '&#177;') # '&plusmn;' # &#177;
+ para.gsub!(/²/, '&#178;') # '&sup2;' # &#178;
+ para.gsub!(/³/, '&#179;') # '&sup3;' # &#179;
+ para.gsub!(/µ/, '&#181;') # '&micro;' # &#181;
+ para.gsub!(/¶/, '&#182;') # '&para;' # &#182;
+ para.gsub!(/¹/, '&#185;') # '&sup1;' # &#185;
+ para.gsub!(/º/, '&#186;') # '&ordm;' # &#186;
+ para.gsub!(/»/, '&#187;') # '&raquo;' # &#187;
+ para.gsub!(/¼/, '&#188;') # '&frac14;' # &#188;
+ para.gsub!(/½/, '&#189;') # '&frac12;' # &#189;
+ para.gsub!(/¾/, '&#190;') # '&frac34;' # &#190;
+ para.gsub!(/×/, '&#215;') # '&times;' # &#215;
+ para.gsub!(/÷/, '&#247;') # '&divide;' # &#247;
+ para.gsub!(/¿/, '&#191;') # '&iquest;' # &#191;
+ para.gsub!(/À/, '&#192;') # '&Agrave;' # &#192;
+ para.gsub!(/Á/, '&#193;') # '&Aacute;' # &#193;
+ para.gsub!(/Â/, '&#194;') # '&Acirc;' # &#194;
+ para.gsub!(/Ã/, '&#195;') # '&Atilde;' # &#195;
+ para.gsub!(/Ä/, '&#196;') # '&Auml;' # &#196;
+ para.gsub!(/Å/, '&#197;') # '&Aring;' # &#197;
+ para.gsub!(/Æ/, '&#198;') # '&AElig;' # &#198;
+ para.gsub!(/Ç/, '&#199;') # '&Ccedil;' # &#199;
+ para.gsub!(/È/, '&#200;') # '&Egrave;' # &#200;
+ para.gsub!(/É/, '&#201;') # '&Eacute;' # &#201;
+ para.gsub!(/Ê/, '&#202;') # '&Ecirc;' # &#202;
+ para.gsub!(/Ë/, '&#203;') # '&Euml;' # &#203;
+ para.gsub!(/Ì/, '&#204;') # '&Igrave;' # &#204;
+ para.gsub!(/Í/, '&#205;') # '&Iacute;' # &#205;
+ para.gsub!(/Î/, '&#206;') # '&Icirc;' # &#206;
+ para.gsub!(/Ï/, '&#207;') # '&Iuml;' # &#207;
+ para.gsub!(/Ð/, '&#208;') # '&ETH;' # &#208;
+ para.gsub!(/Ñ/, '&#209;') # '&Ntilde;' # &#209;
+ para.gsub!(/Ò/, '&#210;') # '&Ograve;' # &#210;
+ para.gsub!(/Ó/, '&#211;') # '&Oacute;' # &#211;
+ para.gsub!(/Ô/, '&#212;') # '&Ocirc;' # &#212;
+ para.gsub!(/Õ/, '&#213;') # '&Otilde;' # &#213;
+ para.gsub!(/Ö/, '&#214;') # '&Ouml;' # &#214;
+ para.gsub!(/Ø/, '&#216;') # '&Oslash;' # &#216;
+ para.gsub!(/Ù/, '&#217;') # '&Ugrave;' # &#217;
+ para.gsub!(/Ú/, '&#218;') # '&Uacute;' # &#218;
+ para.gsub!(/Û/, '&#219;') # '&Ucirc;' # &#219;
+ para.gsub!(/Ü/, '&#220;') # '&Uuml;' # &#220;
+ para.gsub!(/Ý/, '&#221;') # '&Yacute;' # &#221;
+ para.gsub!(/Þ/, '&#222;') # '&THORN;' # &#222;
+ para.gsub!(/ß/, '&#223;') # '&szlig;' # &#223;
+ para.gsub!(/à/, '&#224;') # '&agrave;' # &#224;
+ para.gsub!(/á/, '&#225;') # '&aacute;' # &#225;
+ para.gsub!(/â/, '&#226;') # '&acirc;' # &#226;
+ para.gsub!(/ã/, '&#227;') # '&atilde;' # &#227;
+ para.gsub!(/ä/, '&#228;') # '&auml;' # &#228;
+ para.gsub!(/å/, '&#229;') # '&aring;' # &#229;
+ para.gsub!(/æ/, '&#230;') # '&aelig;' # &#230;
+ para.gsub!(/ç/, '&#231;') # '&ccedil;' # &#231;
+ para.gsub!(/è/, '&#232;') # '&egrave;' # &#232;
+ para.gsub!(/é/, '&#233;') # '&acute;' # &#233;
+ para.gsub!(/ê/, '&#234;') # '&circ;' # &#234;
+ para.gsub!(/ë/, '&#235;') # '&euml;' # &#235;
+ para.gsub!(/ì/, '&#236;') # '&igrave;' # &#236;
+ para.gsub!(/í/, '&#237;') # '&acute;' # &#237;
+ para.gsub!(/î/, '&#238;') # '&icirc;' # &#238;
+ para.gsub!(/ï/, '&#239;') # '&iuml;' # &#239;
+ para.gsub!(/ð/, '&#240;') # '&eth;' # &#240;
+ para.gsub!(/ñ/, '&#241;') # '&ntilde;' # &#241;
+ para.gsub!(/ò/, '&#242;') # '&ograve;' # &#242;
+ para.gsub!(/ó/, '&#243;') # '&oacute;' # &#243;
+ para.gsub!(/ô/, '&#244;') # '&ocirc;' # &#244;
+ para.gsub!(/õ/, '&#245;') # '&otilde;' # &#245;
+ para.gsub!(/ö/, '&#246;') # '&ouml;' # &#246;
+ para.gsub!(/ø/, '&#248;') # '&oslash;' # &#248;
+ para.gsub!(/ù/, '&#250;') # '&ugrave;' # &#250;
+ para.gsub!(/ú/, '&#251;') # '&uacute;' # &#251;
+ para.gsub!(/û/, '&#252;') # '&ucirc;' # &#252;
+ para.gsub!(/ü/, '&#253;') # '&uuml;' # &#253;
+ para.gsub!(/þ/, '&#254;') # '&thorn;' # &#254;
+ para.gsub!(/ÿ/, '&#255;') # '&yuml;' # &#255;
+ end
+ end
+ def html(para='')
+ if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i # instead ucs for utf8 #require 'iconv' ? Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn
+ para.gsub!(/¢/, '&cent;') # &#162;
+ para.gsub!(/£/, '&pound;') # &#163;
+ para.gsub!(/¥/, '&yen;') # &#165;
+ para.gsub!(/§/, '&sect;') # &#167;
+ para.gsub!(/©/, '&copy;') # &#169;
+ para.gsub!(/ª/, '&ordf;') # &#170;
+ para.gsub!(/«/, '&laquo;') # &#171;
+ para.gsub!(/®/, '&reg;') # &#174;
+ para.gsub!(/°/, '&deg;') # &#176;
+ para.gsub!(/±/, '&plusmn;') # &#177;
+ para.gsub!(/²/, '&sup2;') # &#178;
+ para.gsub!(/³/, '&sup3;') # &#179;
+ para.gsub!(/µ/, '&micro;') # &#181;
+ para.gsub!(/¶/, '&para;') # &#182;
+ para.gsub!(/¹/, '&sup1;') # &#185;
+ para.gsub!(/º/, '&ordm;') # &#186;
+ para.gsub!(/»/, '&raquo;') # &#187;
+ para.gsub!(/¼/, '&frac14;') # &#188;
+ para.gsub!(/½/, '&frac12;') # &#189;
+ para.gsub!(/¾/, '&frac34;') # &#190;
+ para.gsub!(/×/, '&times;') # &#215;
+ para.gsub!(/÷/, '&divide;') # &#247;
+ para.gsub!(/¿/, '&iquest;') # &#191;
+ para.gsub!(/À/, '&Agrave;') # &#192;
+ para.gsub!(/Á/, '&Aacute;') # &#193;
+ para.gsub!(/Â/, '&Acirc;') # &#194;
+ para.gsub!(/Ã/, '&Atilde;') # &#195;
+ para.gsub!(/Ä/, '&Auml;') # &#196;
+ para.gsub!(/Å/, '&Aring;') # &#197;
+ para.gsub!(/Æ/, '&AElig;') # &#198;
+ para.gsub!(/Ç/, '&Ccedil;') # &#199;
+ para.gsub!(/È/, '&Egrave;') # &#200;
+ para.gsub!(/É/, '&Eacute;') # &#201;
+ para.gsub!(/Ê/, '&Ecirc;') # &#202;
+ para.gsub!(/Ë/, '&Euml;') # &#203;
+ para.gsub!(/Ì/, '&Igrave;') # &#204;
+ para.gsub!(/Í/, '&Iacute;') # &#205;
+ para.gsub!(/Î/, '&Icirc;') # &#206;
+ para.gsub!(/Ï/, '&Iuml;') # &#207;
+ para.gsub!(/Ð/, '&ETH;') # &#208;
+ para.gsub!(/Ñ/, '&Ntilde;') # &#209;
+ para.gsub!(/Ò/, '&Ograve;') # &#210;
+ para.gsub!(/Ó/, '&Oacute;') # &#211;
+ para.gsub!(/Ô/, '&Ocirc;') # &#212;
+ para.gsub!(/Õ/, '&Otilde;') # &#213;
+ para.gsub!(/Ö/, '&Ouml;') # &#214;
+ para.gsub!(/Ø/, '&Oslash;') # &#216;
+ para.gsub!(/Ù/, '&Ugrave;') # &#217;
+ para.gsub!(/Ú/, '&Uacute;') # &#218;
+ para.gsub!(/Û/, '&Ucirc;') # &#219;
+ para.gsub!(/Ü/, '&Uuml;') # &#220;
+ para.gsub!(/Ý/, '&Yacute;') # &#221;
+ para.gsub!(/Þ/, '&THORN;') # &#222;
+ para.gsub!(/ß/, '&szlig;') # &#223;
+ para.gsub!(/à/, '&agrave;') # &#224;
+ para.gsub!(/á/, '&aacute;') # &#225;
+ para.gsub!(/â/, '&acirc;') # &#226;
+ para.gsub!(/ã/, '&atilde;') # &#227;
+ para.gsub!(/ä/, '&auml;') # &#228;
+ para.gsub!(/å/, '&aring;') # &#229;
+ para.gsub!(/æ/, '&aelig;') # &#230;
+ para.gsub!(/ç/, '&ccedil;') # &#231;
+ para.gsub!(/è/, '&egrave;') # &#232;
+ para.gsub!(/é/, '&acute;') # &#233;
+ para.gsub!(/ê/, '&circ;') # &#234;
+ para.gsub!(/ë/, '&euml;') # &#235;
+ para.gsub!(/ì/, '&igrave;') # &#236;
+ para.gsub!(/í/, '&acute;') # &#237;
+ para.gsub!(/î/, '&icirc;') # &#238;
+ para.gsub!(/ï/, '&iuml;') # &#239;
+ para.gsub!(/ð/, '&eth;') # &#240;
+ para.gsub!(/ñ/, '&ntilde;') # &#241;
+ para.gsub!(/ò/, '&ograve;') # &#242;
+ para.gsub!(/ó/, '&oacute;') # &#243;
+ para.gsub!(/ô/, '&ocirc;') # &#244;
+ para.gsub!(/õ/, '&otilde;') # &#245;
+ para.gsub!(/ö/, '&ouml;') # &#246;
+ para.gsub!(/ø/, '&oslash;') # &#248;
+ para.gsub!(/ù/, '&ugrave;') # &#250;
+ para.gsub!(/ú/, '&uacute;') # &#251;
+ para.gsub!(/û/, '&ucirc;') # &#252;
+ para.gsub!(/ü/, '&uuml;') # &#253;
+ para.gsub!(/þ/, '&thorn;') # &#254;
+ para.gsub!(/ÿ/, '&yuml;') # &#255;
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def tidywords(wordlist)
+ wordlist.each do |x|
+ x.gsub!(/&/,'&amp;') unless x =~/&\S+;/
+ end
+ end
+ def markup(para='')
+ wordlist=para.scan(/\S+|\n/) #\n needed for tables, check though added 2005w17
+ para=tidywords(wordlist).join(' ').strip
+ para.gsub!(/(^|\s+)<\s+/,'\1&lt; ')
+ para.gsub!(/\s+>(\s+|$)/,' &gt;\1')
+ para.gsub!(/<:pb>\s*/,'')
+ para.gsub!(/<+[-~]#>+/,'')
+ para.gsub!(/<0;\w\d+;[um]\d+><#@dp:#@dp>/,'')
+ para.gsub!(/^(<:i[12]>\s*)_\*\s+/,'\1 <image xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:type="simple" xlink:actuate="onLoad" xlink:show="embed" xlink:href="/usr/share/sisu/image/bullet_red.png" width="12" height="12" alt="*" /> ')
+ para.gsub!(/^_\*\s+/,'<image xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:type="simple" xlink:actuate="onLoad" xlink:show="embed" xlink:href="/usr/share/sisu/image/bullet_red.png" width="12" height="12" alt="*" /> ')
+ para.gsub!(/(^|\s)\{\s*(\S+?\.(?:jpg|png|gif))\s+(\d+)x(\d+)(\s+[^}]+)?\}(https?:\/\/\S+)/,%{\\1<image xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:type="simple" xlink:actuate="onLoad" xlink:show="embed" xlink:href="#{@dir.url.images_local}/\\2" width="\\3" height="\\4" />[\\2] \\5})
+ para.gsub!(/(^|\s)\{\s*(\S+?\.(?:jpg|png|gif))(\s+[^}]+)?\}(https?:\/\/\S+)/,%{\\1<image xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:type="simple" xlink:actuate="onLoad" xlink:show="embed" xlink:href="#{@dir.url.images_local}/\\2"/>\\2})
+ para.gsub!(/(^|\s)\{([^}]+)\}(https?:\/\/[^"><]+?)([,.:;"><]?(?:\s|$))/,'\1<link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="\3">\2</link>\4')
+ para.gsub!(/(^|\s)(https?:\/\/[^"><]+?)([,.:;"><]?(?:\s|$))/,'\1<link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="\2">\2</link>\3')
+ para.gsub!(/&nbsp;/,' ') #clean
+ para
+ end
+ def markup_light(para='')
+ para.gsub!(/\/\{(.+?)\}\//,'<i>\1</i>')
+ para.gsub!(/[*!]\{(.+?)\}[*!]/,'<b>\1</b>')
+ para.gsub!(/_\{(.+?)\}_/,'<u>\1</u>')
+ para.gsub!(/-\{(.+?)\}-/,'<del>\1</del>')
+ para.gsub!(/<br(\s*\/)?>/,'<br />')
+ para.gsub!(/<:pb>\s*/,'')
+ para.gsub!(/<[-~]#>/,'')
+ para.gsub!(/(^|\s)&\s+/,'\1&amp; ') #sort
+ para.gsub!(/&([^;]{1,5})/,'&amp;\1') #sort, rough estimate, revisit #WATCH found in node not sax
+ para.gsub!(/\{(\S+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif)) .+?\}(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/\S+|image)/,
+ "<image.path>#{@dir.url.images_local}\/\\1</image.path>")
+ para.gsub!(/&nbsp;/,' ')
+ wordlist=para.scan(/\S+|\n/) #\n needed for tables, check though added 2005w17
+ para=tidywords(wordlist).join(' ').strip
+ para
+ end
+ def markup_group(para='')
+ para.gsub!(/</,'&lt;')
+ para.gsub!(/>/,'&gt;')
+ para.gsub!(/&lt;br(?:\s+\/)?&gt;/,'<br />')
+ para
+ end
+ end
+module SiSU_XML_tags #Format
+ require SiSU_lib + '/param'
+ include SiSU_Param
+ include SiSU_Viz
+ class RDF
+ def initialize(md='',seg_name=[],tracker=0)
+ @dc_title=@dc_subtitle=@dc_creator=@dc_subject=@dc_description=@dc_publisher=@dc_contributor=@dc_date=@dc_date_created=@dc_date_issued=@dc_date_available=@dc_date_valid=@dc_date_modified=@dc_type=@dc_format=@dc_identifier=@dc_source=@dc_language=@dc_relation=@dc_coverage=@dc_rights=@copyright=@owner=@keywords=''
+ #seg_name=%{#{@@seg_name[@@tracker]} - } if @@seg_name[@@tracker]
+ @md=md
+ @sfx,@pdf=@md.sfx,@md.pdf
+ @rdfurl=%{ rdf:about="http://www.jus.uio.no/lm/toc"\n}
+ if @md.dc_title # DublinCore 1 - title
+ @rdf_title=%{ dc.title="#{seg_name}#{@md.dc_title}"\n}
+ @dc_title=%{ <meta name="dc.title" content="#{seg_name}#{@md.dc_title}" />\n}
+ #if @md.subtitle
+ # @rdf_title=%{ dc.title="#{seg_name}#{@md.title} - #{@md.subtitle}"\n}
+ # @title=%{<meta name="dc.title" } +
+ # %{content="#{seg_name}#{@md.title} - #{@md.subtitle}" />\n}
+ #else
+ # @rdf_title=%{ dc.title="#{seg_name}#{@md.title}"\n}
+ # @title=%{<meta name="dc.title" } +
+ # %{content="#{seg_name}#{@md.title}" />\n}
+ #end
+ end
+ if @md.dc_creator # DublinCore 2 - creator/author (author)
+ @rdf_creator=%{ dc.creator="#{@md.dc_creator}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_creator)
+ @dc_creator=%{ <meta name="dc.creator" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_subject # DublinCore 3 - subject (us library of congress, eric or udc, or schema???)
+ @rdf_subject=%{ dc.subject="#{@md.dc_subject}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_subject)
+ @dc_subject=%{ <meta name="dc.subject" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_description # DublinCore 4 - description
+ @rdf_description=%{ dc.description="#{@md.dc_description}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_description)
+ @dc_description=%{ <meta name="dc.description" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_publisher # DublinCore 5 - publisher (current copy published by)
+ @rdf_publisher=%{ dc.publisher="#{@md.dc_publisher}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_publisher)
+ @dc_publisher=%{ <meta name="dc.publisher" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_contributor # DublinCore 6 - contributor
+ @rdf_contributor=%{ dc.contributor="#{@md.dc_contributor}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_contributor)
+ @dc_contributor=%{ <meta name="dc.contributor" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_date # DublinCore 7 - date year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date=%{ dc.date="#{@md.dc_date}"\n}
+ @dc_date=%{ <meta name="dc.date" content="#{@md.dc_date}" #{@md.date_scheme} />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_date_created # DublinCore 7 - date.created year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_created=%{ dc.date.created="#{@md.dc_date_created}"\n}
+ @dc_date_created=%{ <meta name="dc.date.created" content="#{@md.dc_date_created}" #{@md.date_created_scheme} />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_date_issued # DublinCore 7 - date.issued year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_issued=%{ dc.date.issued="#{@md.dc_date_issued}"\n}
+ @dc_date_issued=%{ <meta name="dc.date.issued" content="#{@md.dc_date_issued}" #{@md.date_issued_scheme} />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_date_available # DublinCore 7 - date.available year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_available=%{ dc.date.available="#{@md.dc_date_available}"\n}
+ @dc_date_available=%{ <meta name="dc.date.available" content="#{@md.dc_date_available}" #{@md.date_available_scheme} />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_date_valid # DublinCore 7 - date.valid year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_valid=%{ dc.date.valid="#{@md.dc_date_valid}"\n}
+ @dc_date_valid=%{ <meta name="dc.date.valid" content="#{@md.dc_date_valid}" #{@md.date_valid_scheme} />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_date_modified # DublinCore 7 - date.modified year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_modified=%{ dc.date.modified="#{@md.dc_date_modified}"\n}
+ @dc_date_modified=%{ <meta name="dc.date.modified" content="#{@md.dc_date_modified}" #{@md.date_modified_scheme} />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_type # DublinCore 8 - type (genre eg. report, convention etc)
+ @rdf_type=%{ dc.type="#{@md.dc_type}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_type)
+ @dc_type=%{ <meta name="dc.type" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_format # DublinCore 9 - format (use your mime type)
+ @rdf_format=%{ dc.format="#{@md.dc_format}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_format)
+ @dc_format=%{ <meta name="dc.format" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_identifier # DublinCore 10 - identifier (your identifier, could use urn which is free)
+ @rdf_identifier=%{ dc.identifier="#{@md.dc_identifier}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_identifier)
+ @dc_identifier=%{ <meta name="dc.identifier" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_source # DublinCore 11 - source (document source)
+ @rdf_source=%{ dc.source="#{@md.dc_source}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_source)
+ @dc_source=%{ <meta name="dc.source" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_language[:name] # DublinCore 12 - language (English)
+ @rdf_language=%{ dc.language="#{@md.dc_language[:name]}"\n}
+ @dc_language=%{ <meta name="dc.language" content="#{@md.dc_language[:name]}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.language_original[:name]
+ @rdf_language_original=%{ dc.language="#{@md.language_original[:name]}"\n}
+ @language_original=%{ <meta name="dc.language" content="#{@md.language_original[:name]}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_relation # DublinCore 13 - relation
+ @rdf_relation=%{ dc.relation="#{@md.dc_relation}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_relation)
+ @dc_relation=%{ <meta name="dc.relation" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_coverage # DublinCore 14 - coverage
+ @rdf_coverage=%{ dc.coverage="#{@md.dc_coverage}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_coverage)
+ @dc_coverage=%{ <meta name="dc.coverage" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ if @md.dc_rights # DublinCore 15 - rights
+ @rdf_rights=%{ dc.rights="#{@md.dc_rights}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.dc_rights)
+ @dc_rights=%{ <meta name="dc.rights" content="#{content}" />\n}
+ end
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.keywords)
+ @keywords=%{ <meta name="keywords" content="#{content}" />\n} if @md.keywords
+ @vz=SiSU_Env::Get_init.instance.skin
+ end
+ def meta_content_clean(content='')
+ unless content.nil?
+ content.tr!('"',"'")
+ end
+ content
+ end
+ def rdftoc #tocHead #values strung together, because some empty, and resulting output (line breaks) is much better
+ #<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ # xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
+ # <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.jus.uio.no/lm/doc"
+ # dc:creator="Author"
+ # dc:title="Title"
+ # dc:description="Description if any"
+ # dc:date="Publication Date"
+ # />
+ #</rdf:RDF>
+ #Dublin Core
+#### XML only :-( KEEP
+#<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+# xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
+# <rdf:Description
+# #@rdfurl#@rdf_title#@rdf_subtitle#@rdf_creator#@rdf_subject#@rdf_description#@rdf_publisher#@rdf_contributor#@rdf_date#@rdf_dateCreated#@rdf_dateIssued#@rdf_dateAvailable#@rdf_dateValid#@rdf_dateModified#@rdf_type#@rdf_format#@rdf_identifier#@rdf_source#@rdf_language#@rdf_relation #@rdf_coverage#@rdf_rights
+# />\n
+ end
+ def rdfseg #segHead
+ rdftoc
+ end
+ def comment_xml(extra='')
+ generator="Generated by: #{@md.sisu_version[:project]} #{@md.sisu_version[:version]} of #{@md.sisu_version[:date_stamp]} (#{@md.sisu_version[:date]})" if @md.sisu_version[:version]
+ lastdone="Last Generated on: #{Time.now}"
+ rubyv="Ruby version: #{@md.ruby_version}"
+ sc=if @md.sc_info
+ "Source file: #{@md.sc_filename} version: #{@md.sc_number} of: #{@md.sc_date}"
+ else ''
+ end
+ if extra.empty?
+<!-- Document processing information:
+ * #{generator}
+ * #{rubyv}
+ * #{sc}
+ * #{lastdone}
+ * SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu
+ else
+<!-- Document processing information:
+ * #{extra}
+ * #{generator}
+ * #{rubyv}
+ * #{sc}
+ * #{lastdone}
+ * SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu
+ end
+ end
+ def comment_xml_sax
+ desc='SiSU XML, SAX type representation'
+ comment_xml(desc)
+ end
+ def comment_xml_node
+ desc='SiSU XML, Node type representation'
+ comment_xml(desc)
+ end
+ def comment_xml_dom
+ desc='SiSU XML, DOM type representation'
+ comment_xml(desc)
+ end
+ def metatag_html #values strung together, because some empty, and resulting output (line breaks) is much better
+ end
+ end
+module SiSU_Tables
+ require SiSU_lib + '/xml_tables'